
Being a formal Visual Artist and Graphic Designer makes me a wide-open creative and constantly curious personality. From fashion to video games, from Opera to Superheroes movies, my visual interests count endless and different references.

It’s been years that I’m working as both Freelancer as employed Graphic Designer.
My working experience moves from worldwide known Fiorucci Art Trust, no-profit art organization based in London, to Elcart S.p.A. electronic distribution company in Milano. I collaborate with Milano Pride, the main LGBTQI no-profit organization in Milano and designed their logo.
I curate the branding of cultural space such as Metodo Milano and worked with foundations as Rapazz Museum in Basel and Fondazione MACC in Sardinia.
In the last 3 years I’ve worked as full-time graphic designer at Tally Weijl trading ag in the Brand Image team with a focus on the E-commerce channels, CRM, Social Media, and Marketings communications.

My 10 years Artistic career brought me in always inspiring and challenging communities while my job as Graphic Designer in a Swiss company influenced my sense of teamwork, commercial language and how to deal with costumers.

These and many other experiences have led me to a conscientious development of visual languages and community engagement whilst enhancing my skills. My passions and my dedication to work make me a good employee and a great professional.

Check my painting website




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