Residenza / Resistenza
In this historical period, an artist residency may turn into an act of cultural resistance.
With Efisio Carbone, director of MACC museum and curator of the Civic Museums of Cagliari, we got confined to Calasetta. Stuck on
an island, locked inside a museum. We asked ourselves how we can let this space live, keeping on a dialogue with the outside world. A Flag immediately seemed to me the perfect banner, in form and substance. It is an object conveying by its nature both a political and a social message.
In my ResidenzaResistenza, love at the time of Corona Virus becomes an epistolary “tragedy”. A Whatsapp chat is the meeting
place and the most recurrent sentences are: “I miss you”, “Come back soon”. In these two sentences, I found a collective symbolic value and
I wanted the flag to wish and convey this message. I decided to frame the message in a Whatsapp window with the blue ticks – read and displayed – and to represent it through the use of a universal language: emojis. A rainbow arising from a heart.
The rainbow has always been the symbol of the LGBT struggle, but nowadays a larger community has reclaimed it with the hashtag “everything will be fine”. A heart with a rainbow also has more iconographic features. A contemporary ex-voto
This is not a Site Specific project, but a Time Specific one.
By its nature, it does not belong to Calasetta but to the times we experience.