The Manifesto for Unique Design
Living Together, painting meets graphic is my Master thesis project for the FHNW Basel school of design.
My intent was to find a way to connect my pictorial attitude with my design skills.
The inspiration comes from the Manifesto for Industrial Painting by Pinot Gallizio, which I modified in The Manifesto for Unique Design.
“The Manifesto for Unique design” is an attempt to connect posters to paintings, design to art, series to the unique.
To be unique is to be not repeatable. 1
to achieve this idea of non-repetition I focused my attention on the idea of reproducing mistakes in order to obtain always different results. I mainly used 3 methodologies:
1 Analogical (intentional) mistakes
2 Technical mistakes
3 Accidental (random) mistakes.
1. Manifesto for a Unique Design, Living Together, Nicolò Bruno, 2015
1. Analogical Mistake
The STAMP series was about the creation of an analogical mistake.
I built a big stamp and used it to produce a series of posters. This was a complete handcraft work with no use of any machine.
The result was a series of posters each one different from the previous printed before.

2. Accidental mistake
The ACETONE series was my Accidental mistake.
In this project I used the Acetone to stransfer images from one paper to another.
This process is completely unpredictable and it generates always different results.
3. Technical Mistake
Love Story was the Technical mistake.
In this series I painted images of love stories using oil color on paper and later I silkscreen on them.
The un-flat surface of the oil color didn’t let the silkscreen to print with precision the whole poster surface.
This mistake or “error” lead the machine to produce always different results.
Living Together, painting meets graphic, has been designed and printed also following the same criteria.
All covers were printed with a mix of analogic and mechanic printing technique and using acrylics colours and a black toner from common printers.
The result is that each book is unique and different from the others, because both colors and printing mistakes.