This is the @whtrust design for their 2023-2024 annual report at @oxford_uni.

The report was mainly published online in digital form, but I designed it with the possibility of printing it.

The design was created to adapt to some of the main content such as the “alumni blog” and the “student blog” that will be repeated in the report and needed to have a fixed structure.

The whole design uses a very simple but effective grid. This makes it easy to place content. I also used several fonts. I mixed a bold sans serif with a grotesque, almost handwritten one to develop an elegant but official style.

HERE is the full book and design


Book design, Layout & media

Client: WHT Oxford
Graphic Design: Nicolò Bruno
Location: Oxford
Year: 2024

The book was designed by @nicolobruno alias @ennebruno
®all right to use the images from the Yearbook belong to WHT and the designer.

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